Choreographer, director, contemporary dance teacher, dancer and performer, as well the founder and president of the eferte_Dance Development Foundation ( in Warsaw and producer. She was the founder and artistic director of "mufmi" dance theatre in Warsaw (1995, presenting her works among others on Polish Dance Platform in 2010 and festival ROZDROŻE, presenting performances all over Poland and International Dance Festivals. She won the main price at International Presentations of Contemporary Dance Forms in 2007).
Nowadays Piotrowska is the head of ROZBARK Dance Company in ROZBARK Theatre in Bytom.
Teacher of PWST - State Theatre School in Krakow at the Dance Department. Teacher of contemporary dance, improvisation, dance composition, forms and structures of dance theatre. She leads her own education program "process and creation of a character in dance theatre".
She received diploma of professional dancer, granted by Polish Actors Association and the master’s degree in management in 2002. Twice was awarded in Budapest at the SzólóDuó International Dance Festival (2005/2006). From 12 years she's been organizing the Polish edition of Festival SoloDuo in Budapest. She has worked with several companies and theaters, as the Silesian Dance Theater, Polish Dance Theater and Hungarian Art of Movement Company, Samovar Theater.
She has made over 90 works since 1995. She created the performance for Wroclaw Pantomime Theatre of Henryk Tomaszewski “The Histroy of Ugliness” (2014).
Piotrowska was participaiting in the international art projects: “Advancing Performing Arts Project VI” (2008), “DANCING BRIDGE” (Norway, 2010), “DANCEME” (Milano, 2011) and “RECORDING FIELDS” (tanzhaus nrw in Düsseldorf, 2014). In September 2015 she twice received main awards at two monodram’s theatre festivals in Grand Prix in Warsaw and Audience Prize in Koszalin with her new performance dedicated to the great Artist Tadeusz Kantor. She received the Gold Mask, the theatre prize for the whole artistic activity in ROZBARK Theatre in season 2015, when she created such performances as: “democratic body”, “toniejestpostawartystyczna, czyli premiery nie będzie!”, “czytANKI perFORMAtywne”, “neverland finding”, “lost in the skin” and “umarłam w krasie, czyli przypuszczalnie żyłam”. In 2015 she was honored for her 20 years of artistic ativity by Polish Actors Association (ZASP).
In the new repertoire one can find the new productions as: “Underground’s suns” & “Fast Food Foot” and smaller performances: “pastmefuture” & “under the dead tree” for Rozbark Company.
This year among other Piotrowska will be the jury member of Solo Dance Contest in Gdańsk (2017), she will coach two artistic residencies in Gdańsk Dance Festival and will lead workshops for National Theatre in Miscolc in Hungary.
In her artistic thinking, she is interested in improvisation and body & mind awareness as a tool of mutual observation, she researches the relation of the objective body in onebody space. Piotrowska is interested in process work discovering among others the tools of creating dramatic texts, creating the characters in dance theatre and work with states of mind and emotions and imagination.